Tuesday, January 31, 2023

This Moment In History

I have had a few conversations over the past weeks in which I propose that we are currently experiencing a pivotal moment in the history of mankind. A moment that is perhaps even more significant to the future than the Wright Brothers first flight was 120 years ago! Within the past few weeks scientists succeeded in creating energy through nuclear fusion. And now the launch of ChatGPT, a user-friendly Artificial Intelligence (AI) front-end.

Each of these accomplishments alone ushers in a seismic shift, the magnitude of which we can't even comprehend or visualize. And we get both at the same time...!!!  We are barely dipping our toe in the vast ocean before us.

Of the two, the advent of mainstream artificial intelligence immediately appears to be the most volatile. Many questions remain to be answered…
- How will this affect jobs? Which jobs?
- How will this affect the education system?
- How will this affect the arts and music, and creativity in general?
- How will intellectual property rights fit – who owns what has been created or written?
- How do we need to change to learn to use this tool most effectively?
- What is the best way to embrace it? Do we need to fear it?
- How do we prevent really bad things from happening in the hands of malicious actors?
- How do we use this tool to help fix really big problems?
- And thousands more…

History has just held up a new blank canvas and in our lifetimes we have the privilege of witnessing only the beginning of the painting. Centuries after us this canvas will still be a work in progress. We also have a collective responsibility to guide with wisdom.

Generations from now historians will point to this moment, wondering what it must have been like to experience this, to actually see it happening right in front of us.

So let’s give this a go. Below are examples of AI responding to questions posed about the two items mentioned above – nuclear fusion, and artificial intelligence. Using ChatGPT I entered a prompt related to each:
   1. Describe the significance of the accomplishment of nuclear fusion on the future of mankind
   2. Describe the significance of AI, specifically ChatGPT, on the future of mankind
The response time was under 30 seconds for each question and the results are included below. I am impressed with the insight and thoughtfulness of each rather brief response. And this from an AI tool that is barely out of the starting gate.

We are in for a wild ride! I kind of feel like the dude in the commercial from a few years ago...

EXAMPLE 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Me to ChatGPT:
Describe the significance of the accomplishment of nuclear fusion on the future of mankind

Nuclear fusion, the process of combining atomic nuclei to form heavier elements, has the potential to provide a virtually limitless source of clean and safe energy. If scientists can develop a sustainable and efficient method of nuclear fusion, it would greatly reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and decrease the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere, slowing or reversing the effects of climate change. Additionally, it would also greatly enhance the energy security of countries, reducing the dependence on foreign oil and gas. However, achieving this goal requires significant scientific research and technological developments, as the process of nuclear fusion is currently difficult to control and maintain.

(Note: ChatGPT contains data through 2021, so the following  from December 2022 provides a relevant update)

Scientists achieve a breakthrough in nuclear fusion. Here’s what it means.
A U.S. lab has successfully sparked a fusion reaction that released more energy than went into it. But there’s still a long way to go toward fusion as a clean energy source.

BYMICHAEL GRESHKO / PUBLISHED DECEMBER 13, 2022 – For more than 60 years, scientists have pursued one of the toughest physics challenges ever conceived: harnessing nuclear fusion, the power source of the stars, to generate abundant clean energy here on Earth. Today, researchers announced a milestone in this effort. For the first time, a fusion reactor has produced more energy than was used to trigger the reaction.



Me to ChatGPT:
Describe the significance of AI, specifically ChatGPT on the future of mankind

Artificial intelligence (AI), including models like ChatGPT, has the potential to greatly impact many aspects of society in the future.

One of the most significant ways that AI can impact the future of mankind is by automating many tasks and processes, increasing efficiency and productivity in industries such as manufacturing, transportation, and healthcare. Additionally, AI-powered decision-making systems can help to improve the accuracy and speed of decision-making in fields such as finance, law enforcement and medicine.

Another potential benefit of AI is the ability to help solve some of the world's most pressing problems, such as climate change, poverty and disease. For example, AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data to identify patterns and trends that can help to inform policy decisions and resource allocation.

However, it is important to note that along with the potential benefits, AI also poses some risks and challenges. For instance, widespread automation could lead to significant job loss and economic disruption, and the use of AI in decision-making systems could perpetuate biases and discrimination. Additionally, the increasing use of AI raises ethical and legal questions about accountability and transparency.

Overall, the significance of AI on the future of mankind will depend on how it is developed, deployed, and regulated, as well as society's ability to adapt to the changes it brings.


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