Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Artistic Patience

I have great admiration for artists who have the patience and persistence to create things that are very detailed and require many hours to complete.

Think of a sculpted figure and all the chisel strokes or the detailed pencil sketch with thousands of shading nuances. Or any other dimensional piece of art that was created by careful attention to each stroke of the brush or knife. Or a magnificent piece of music that skewers the soul, inscribed note by note and harmony by harmony.

I hope some day to have the patience and focus to do something like that.


Unknown said...

Or, say an amazing air roasted coffee bean. Lovingly and patiently roasted to perfection. Then....brewed with that same love, patience and attention to detail! You, my friend, are an artist! Brenda Hadden

Lynne T. Burkholder said...

Love what Brenda just wrote!

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